I remember, 34 years ago, Australian reporter for 60 Minutes, Jeff McMullen, asking George Michael if he was gay, and Gorge replied, "What sort of question's that?" Later on, he said, "What I'm saying is, "It's nobody's business."" And we all know that in the late 1990s, he came out. What I say to that is, yes, if he wasn't gay, he would have simply said no, however, he wasn't ready, in his 25th year, to come out on 60 Minutes to viewers whose opinions of him would have been varied.
Yes, I agree that young LGBTIQA people struggling with their sexuality can feel empowered by their favourite celebrity coming out, celebrities have the same experiences and, if anything, it can be more challenging for a celebrity. I remember, after Liberace died of AIDS, people making distasteful, homophobic jokes about him. And I also remember, in 1997, during a motor racing event, an Australian racing driver, after he and his teammate had a fender bender, trying to be clever and using Liberace's name to describe the accident, which was equally inappropriate.
What we need to remember is, Taylor Swift is a human being and speculation about her sexual orientation is as disrespectful and as inane as speculation about her navel (literally). And let's not forget the forced outing of Rebel Wilson.