I know this part isn't completely relevant, but I remember having an argument with my ex-girlfriend while she was watching The Young and the Restless and there was a story about a child and she believed that a child should be the biological parents. My argument was, a child is not a political weapon nor is it a football. I also pointed out to her that a child needs stability in its life, and that that cannot be provided by forcing a child away from a nurturing foster family and giving them back to a biological family, where manipulation can be used to get them returned.
In cases like this, sometimes the catalyst can be that the wife wanted a baby but couldn't have one and the mistress could but didn't want one, so, the wife thought, "A baby needs love."
What I HOPE does NOT happen, however, is that down the track the mistress experiences regret and wants to take the child back. In a case like that, I would hope that the judge would say, "The child is with one of their biological parents; their father. You may have progress reports on the child, and when the child is old enough to understand, we will explain the situation."
This isn't a "woe is men" tale, but sometimes, if a child needs an organ transplant, especially a kidney, the father steps forward to donate a kidney only to have a doctor call him into the consultation room to inform him that he is not a blood or tissue match, and his female partner tearfully breaks down and reveals that she had a one night stand with an old boyfriend or something and he's not the child's father. Depending upon the age of the child, some men say it doesn't matter. And sometimes, the man who was the biological father says to them, "No, Dad taught you to swim, taught you how to ride a bike, and let you twist him around your little finger. I'll donate a kidney to save your life, but all I did was sleep with your mum. My name is (whatever). That's your Dad."