I know that transgender people are as individual as anybody.
The greatest IDIOT in Australia is pauline hanson (no, she doesn't deserve capitals) and she wouldn't know child abuse from a bar of soap. She spouts this rot that transgender kids are transgender kids because the parents wanted a boy and they got a girl or vice versa, so they are forcing the kid to transition. To that, I say, and the veterinarian dentist came to see my friend's pet hen last week. What is an example of child abuse is forcing a child to conform to a gender that they do not identify with and that means forcing a transgender child to act cisgender is wrong! If they mean allowing the child to be who they are and if that means allowing girls to do some boys' things and vice versa, so be it!
I experienced some of the same cruelty that you did, such as a nasty little shit of a kid, when I was in year Nine, pinching my nipple through my shirt and punching it. He had no right to do that!