I have always felt wrong about my masculinity. I was AMAB, but I was never interested in male pursuits. My father took me to the park to kick a football when I was little and I was fascinated by the seagulls.
I have an incident of when I was in Year Eleven, and a little boy walked past me outside my old high school and said hello and it turned out that his sister was in my brother's class. He saw me the following week (he was the third of four children and had another sister at high school) and his sister said to my brother, much to his embarrassment, but it was embarrassment at me not at her, "Did your brother used to be a girl?"
I remember, the year before, my brother told me that he should be calling me his sister.
I remember, I used to HATE it when I went to see my grandparents, as they lived on acreage and my brother would want to play football in the winter and cricket in the summer and I was forced by my mother, who was a tomboy as a kid, to go off with him, even though I hated it. Try as I might, my grandmother could see through it, but she couldn't do anything because my mother was so dominant.
I think, if my grandparents had been able to rewrite history, the year I was born, and then later, they could have said, "In 1975, we had two grandsons," and had it not been added to, they could have said, in 1979, "Or so we thought."
I have started wearing pink and have ordered some more pink items.