I have a nephew called Vincent. Since he was about six months old, he would only look if you said, and since he could talk, he only answers to "Vinny". I told my father that I hated the thought of that, as a kid in my Year Eight Class, who was a good swimmer, told me that, "Your parents got you from the St Vinnie bin." My father said that what I wanted to say to that was, "You think I'm bad? You should have seen the ones they left behind."
One thing that really sticks in my craw is idiots like Pat Robertson (his real name's Marion but chose the name Pat as he didn't people to think he was a girl, which demonstrates his misogyny) and arseholes like trump, who claim that women who have been raped are carrying "a gift from God," and thus should be denied an abortion. Then, to have trump say that he was the defender of unborn children.
There are two things wrong with both arguments. One, yes, in most states in Australia, I'm not sure about the US, if an assailant punches a pregnant woman in the stomach and kills her unborn foetus, they can be charged with manslaughter, as that is an intent. And, two, how an earth can a man who mocked a disabled person justify that claim, especially if a woman, or a couple, hear that they have a baby that has a chromosomal anomaly, decide to keep it, regardless?
Regarding arsehole Robertson, a child who is wanted by a woman or a couple, is a gift from God, but a child who is the result of a sexual violation is not!
And let's not forget this. Some people do not want to know about their birth parents, but some do. Old wounds may be awoken!
And it's all very well for them to say, "Oh, it's not the child's fault," but who has to carry the child for nine months? The woman!
So, no adoption is not an alternative to abortion. Women's rights are abortion rights.