I had a talk to my father recently, whereby I showed a different kind of love with a different love language. He wanted some cold medication, and I went out shopping and as the chemist was open late, I went out and didn't get home until later, and he was sort of frantic. I said to him, "Have a look in that bag, there." "Oh, you got some more medication." "Yes, I could only get you a 10-pack, yesterday. I got you a 36-pack tonight." And I said to him, "I showed you love by getting you what you needed and not wanting to return home without it."
I would be like that with a partner, too. If my long-ago ex-girlfriend was honest, she would admit that at that time of month, I would have virtually had it for her, if possible. I went and bought her naproxen, would have made her chamomile tea, used hot and cold packs on her tummy and rubbed it, too.