I had a meltdown after my cat died. And my father, while usually an ally, didn't understand. I'd met the Labor candidate who stood against a politician I despise (dutton) and I thought, "Why did a decent person like Ali France lose to that despicable excuse for a human being?" This was not long after my cat had died and I just completely lost it. I was angry that my cat had died, but I was also angry that despite all the horrific things that dutton had done (misogynistic language towards Samantha Maiden, joking about rising sea levels, racist language towards asylum seekers and the Lebanese Muslims Malcolm Fraser allowed into the country, and the fact that on Ali France's Facebook page, when I pointed out all the things he'd done, a troll who was friends with his wife said, "GetUp! I suppose," and when I said, "No, I have logged all the despicable things he's done," replied, "GetUp! I presume," I couldn't hold back anymore.