I disagree. Yes, an orchiectomy or removal of the womb and ovaries will make one infertile, but a person is not "switching genders" like a Holden fan who buys a Ford. Your dominant sex organ is what's between your ears not between your legs. A trans person is assigned a sex based upon an external assessment of their gender at birth!
Let's not forget that transphobes love to come out with claims that cannot be substantiated that being transgender exposes one to risks of this or risks of that. If we take transwomen as an example, however, estrogen patches may help reduce the risk of clots, as can a lower dose of estrogen. An experience I had in my 20s, with a ridiculous doctor clearly demonstrated that it is better to start with a low dose of a medication and increase, if necessary, rather than starting with a high dose and have unwanted side-effects. This ridiculous doctor gave me a 1500mcg dose of beclomethasone (in two divided doses) and it made my head spin and feel light and made me feel nauseous. A wiser doctor prescribed 400mcgs in divided doses and while it took a little longer, it didn't have nasty side-effects.