I am the same as you, except, if I had a partner, I wouldn't want us to share a bed. I would say, "Okay, you have your room for sleeping, I'll have my room for sleeping, and we'll have a third room for intimacy." I just can't sleep in a bed with another person. The only being I can share a bed with has four legs, two eyes and ears and a tail and purrs.
The point about couples being friends with other couples also shows why I vehemently disagree with the ridiculous doctor who claims that men and women cannot and should not be platonic friends. This ridiculous doctor said the same thing about same-sex couples! I say, that doctor is talking barking nonsense. I don't see any reason why a heterosexual couple cannot individually have friends of the opposite sex.
And yes, I would would say that couples having individual holidays and travels would actually make a relationship more enjoyable.
One thing that annoys me with my mother is that if my father is doing the cooking, for example, she'll say that she's lonely in he bedroom by herself! I have learnt, through bitter experience, that if a person is lonely that you have to wonder why. Sometimes, it's because they've burnt too many bridges.
I remember, when I had my colonoscopy, one of the nurses said that an elderly couple came along, and the woman wanted to be able to go into the bay with her husband, until they put him to sleep, and to be there when he woke up, but the nurse had to say, "Sorry, but that's not possible." She thought it was hard and could understand, whereas if I'd have had a girlfriend or partner at the time, I would have done one of two things. Either, I would have said to her, "Okay, bring a book or something and read it, or go off and do something, and my doctor will ring you when it's time for me to come home," or, as I had to drive to another place, I would have said, "Okay, I'll ring you when I get there, and I'll see you the day after tomorrow."