I am not sexually attracted to men; however, I can relate to you telling your story of getting on better with girls. I remember, when I was 7, attending a classmate's birthday party, and I played with his sister, while the others played football.
I remember the beginning of the AIDS Epidemic and my mother telling me some things that were poorly explained. For example, she told me that people who met in the toilet could get AIDS, and I thought she meant that if you saw another person in the toilet, you could get AIDS, but what she should have said, bearing in mind I was 10 years old, is that men who have casual sex without protection can get AIDS, and that public toilets could be venues for that.
AIDS has humanized homosexuality, but it has also helped us reach a point whereby sex education is important and most importantly, nowadays, a person can contract HIV and take medication and control it, and if exposed to the virus, can receive prophylactic treatment.
I loved Dan Hartman's song, "I Can Dream About You," and I always play that on World AIDS Day, as he died from an AIDS related brain tumor, in March, 1994.