I am an autistic uncle to a three year old nephew and a one year old niece, whom I love dearly. Before my nephew was born, however, my sister-in-law had an ectopic pregnancy. This highlights the idiocy of Ohio lawmakers and their preposterous law that a doctor who does not re-implant an ectopic pregnancy faces over a century in prison. When my sister-in-law had an ultrasound, they couldn't detect a heartbeat, so the doctors would have been re-implanting an unviable baby.
One thing that infuriates me with the religious Right is this crap that a woman who falls pregnant due to a rape is carrying "a gift from God." A woman who falls pregnant who dearly wants a child can be said to be blessed, and I agree, however, in the event of a woman who was not seeking a child who did not consent to sexual intercourse falling pregnant, that child is NOT a gift from God. That child is the spawn of sexual violation. I hear some complain that there are couples who cannot have children who want them, so adoption is possible. This is myopic and overly simplistic and here's why. Let's imagine you have two students, one doesn't need to work hard at math and scores top of the class, while another student works extremely hard but falls five points behind that student. Do you deduct five points from the top student? Of course you don't. So, it's the same principle here. One woman may conceive a child she doesn't want and one may want one and not be able to conceive.
Adoption also ignores another fact. Whether a child learns from when they're really little, or in a letter from their adoptive parents after they die, they may want to find their biological parents to know why or to know where they came from. Okay, some adoptees say, "Okay, my adoptive parents were my Mom and Dad, that's all I need to know," and that's fine. But let's assume the child wants to know and wants to meet their parents, and that is denied. They may feel rejected. Another, maybe, might be told, "Okay, I'll see you, but I only want to know what you look like, and then, that's it."
The argument about black genocide is complicated and I'll give an example. I remember watching an episode of A Country Practice, where an elderly man, who was married to an Aboriginal woman, was expecting a child and she became sick, during labor. Her husband went and got the doctor, and the doctor was a racist bastard, who refused to help, and as a result, both the baby and the mother died. That is an example of black genocide. But if a black woman falls pregnant to a black man and she seeks an abortion, she is no more contributing to black genocide than a white woman who falls pregnant to a white man is contributing to genocide. I am mixed race (my great-great-grandfather was St Vincentian and his circumstances were a bit like Bob Marley's conception) and I support the right of ANY woman to have an abortion.