I agree. In my native Australia, it's zero for anybody on a learner's permit or provisional licence under the age of 25, and 0.05 for everyone else. If you are driving a truck, bus or taxi, it must be zero, too. The silly part is, though, say you obtain an automatic licence at 17, and at 21, you decide to upgrade to a manual, you need a learner's permit, but you can go to a party and have a drink or two and drive home in an automatic and blow 0.02 and that's fine, but if you were designated driver and you'd had a drink and got behind the wheel of a manual, and your friend was sitting beside you and saying, "Okay, change gears now," and you blew 0.02 you'd be in trouble. And if you had a truck licence and you were driving a car and you blew 0.02 you'd be permitted to keep driving, but you'd have to turn around and go home and ring your boss and say that you wouldn't be coming in until later.
Yes, everybody's alcohol tolerance is different, and everybody takes a different amount of time to detoxify the alcohol. It should be that in every country, and there is one country in the world where if you are pulled over for not wearing a seatbelt and you can say it's your constitutional right not to, which is illogical.