Humanity is complex, and the school/home divide can be very different. I remember, when I was in primary school, sometimes, when the teacher would, in the few minutes between when lessons ended and the 3pm bell would ring, and they'd see a kid with their books for homework neatly stacked on their desk and their arms folded, say, "So and so's got a nice home to go to," and note that some other kid is fooling around and say something negative as if threatening to detain them. Sometimes, the kid who acts as a bully and assaults, trips or does whatever to other kids has a home life that is absolute hell and school is the one place they can release their tension. Sometimes, the autistic kid holds it together at school and when they arrive home, they have a meltdown.
39 years ago, I changed schools, and I finished up at my old school on the Monday, we moved cities on the Tuesday, and I started at my new school on the Wednesday, and I was a bit mute. Sometimes, if someone would talk to me, I didn't respond. I felt overwhelmed. And I think my parents pushed too much too soon, what they should have done was said, "Okay, you can have the Wednesday, Thursday and Friday off and start at the new school the following Monday."
I would take Lady Gaga's song "Born This Way," and consider some of the other lyrics, for example, "Black, beige or white, Baby, Gay, Straight or Bi, I'm on the right track, Baby, I was born this way." Both make references to factors people cannot control. To take three examples, Debelah Morgan is Debelah Morgan, Coco Lee is Coco Lee and Lady Gaga is Lady Gaga. You can compare the way they sing but trying to physically compare and critique Coco Lee by Western standards is akin to a teacher I had at school who. when he first came to the school, had a 1972 Ford Falcon, and after a few months, bought a 1987 Holden Commodore. He claimed that the Commodore was a better car than the Falcon, and I would say to him, "You can't compare a 1972 Falcon to a 1987 Commodore. You can compare a 1972 Falcon to a 1972 Kingswood and a 1987 Falcon to a 1987 Commodore, and the only way to know is to take a Falcon and drive it, then take a Commodore over the exact same ground and then you can compare."
If we analyze the next line, in the final, chilling interview Ted Bundy gave, just hours before his execution, he talked about how porn had led him there. Ted Bundy was, as well as a violent sex killer, a narcissistic individual, who, didn't refuse his condemned man's last meal because he wasn't hungry, and didn't break down sobbing for his victims, his only sorrow was for himself. Ted Bundy was evil. A person who is gay does NOT need conversion therapy, like some of the evangelicals claim. An autistic person does not need conversion to be neurotypical.
You don't have to take pride in your condition. I take pride in my condition because after a lifetime of being bullied, I can finally say, "No, I'm not "weird". No, I don't need the crudity of a bump on the head. I can be me. I don't need to be changed."