Here's the thing. The Right pushes the narrative that a transwoman athlete or sportsperson robbed a cisgender woman of a medal or of a place, but that's almost like saying that where was a guy in my native Australia, who, when it came to his university entrance score, scored the top ranking, but he didn't have to work as hard as others, and preferred riding his skateboard to reading his textbooks, that he robbed a student who worked harder of the same ranking. What do you do? Say to the guy who didn't work as hard, "Sorry, but you didn't work as hard as this student, so we're going to deduct marks?" You can't!
Transwomen who compete in women's sports are NOT cheats, and nor do they have an unfair advantage. Yes, they may be taller, but they don't necessarily have an advantage. Let's take Michael Phelps and Ian Thorpe. Yes, both competed in the male division, and both had the advantage of having larger feet, but you can't bind their feet and say, "Now, swim!" You only cheat if you take performance enhancing drugs. And let's not forget two things. If an athlete has taken a performance enhancing drug, the officials might well think, "Hmm, this athlete has done better than expected. Piddle please." And if they find a performance enhancing drug in their system, they are disqualified. Similarly, testing is rigorous. The same for transwomen in women's sport. They have to have their testosterone levels tested and if they don't qualify, they are prevented from competing.
What needs to be remembered with Lia Thomas is, most likely, she loves swimming but was unhappy living as male, so transitioned. Any other explanation is akin to a conspiracy theory.