Here's something we need to remember, Hitler tried to stage a putsch, in November, 1923, that saw him convicted of treason and serving nine months of a five year sentence. Trump loyalists tried to stage a putsch after the election results were certified and declared that Biden was the winner. One person said that Hitler committed suicide and trump didn't, but here's the difference. Hitler committed suicide once the Russians were marching into Berlin as he knew that had the Russians taken him, he would have been taken prisoner, and had the Americans arrested him, he would have been tried at Nuremberg, and, in retrospect, unless he had a cyanide pill in a copper case, he would have had an appointment with Staff Sergeant John C. Woods, in the early hours of the morning of October 16, 1946, where he may have asked if he could make a final statement and then dropped to his death on one of two of the gallows in the prison gymnasium.
Trump would have been a tyrant, had he had the opportunity. All that was stopping him was an election that he lost and an electoral college that voted against him.
Let us hope that trump will be indicted and convicted on some charges and will be ineligible to serve again.