One morning, a teenage boy wakes up and has to prepare for school. He opens his wardrobe and is astonished by what he finds. He thinks his mother must have done his washing early. He looks out onto the clothesline and is astonished. He walks out to the kitchen, where he has this conversation.
“Mum, have you seen my school uniform. It’s not in my wardrobe, it’s not in the laundry, and it’s not on the clothesline.”
“Son, I threw your uniform away. You can wear your cotton shirt, nobody will notice.”
“Are you serious, Mum? You’ll have to write a letter so that I can have a uniform pass.”
“I’m serious. And you can wear your grey cotton trousers. Nobody will notice.”
“Mum, I’ll get into trouble. The school is strict about the uniform.”
“I’m not writing you a note. You can go to school like that.”
“Mum, they’ll send me home.”
“No, they won’t. But here, I’ll write a note saying that you can’t wear the uniform shirt because it’s polyester cotton blend and you can’t wear the trousers because they’re polyester viscose blend. Now, eat, or you’ll be late.”
“Where are the Rice Krispies, Mum?”
“You’re not eating those. You eat the All Bran that’s in the bowl.”
“Mum, that’ll give me the trots!”
“Don’t be silly. There’s wheat biscuits underneath them.”
“Mum, I HATE wheat biscuits!”
“That’s too bad.”
“What’s going on here, Mum.”
“Well, we’re going to be following the Bible, and that means no blended fabrics, no foods flavored with certain things.”
“But, Mum.”
“But Mum, nothing. And if you get into trouble at school, you can go to a school that lets you wear cotton clothes.”
With the horrendous agenda of the evil trump this week, what has been missed is that he probably wears shirts that are made from a blended fabric and the same with his suits. So, if following the Bible was that important, he wouldn’t be cherry-picking what to follow, and what he’s done to minority groups is exactly what the boy’s mother was doing to him!