For me, if I take a dislike to somebody, and someone tries to make me change my opinion of that person, I arc up more. For example, when I was 12, my mother deliberately forced me to see a doctor she knew I didn't like, and that made me dislike him even more. Then, when I was 22, she again pressured and forced me to see a doctor I didn't want to see. As was expected, I didn't like him, and the medication he gave me had intolerable side effects, so I stopped using it after two doses. I destroyed the repeat prescription and threw it and the medication into the bin and went to a different doctor.
I am also one of these people who, when I dislike somebody, I need to express that dislike to somebody. I can't just keep it in. In the doctor's case, he cropped up on TV about 9 years later, and I saw an interview after that which demonstrated how much less likeable he was. I needed to erase all traces of him, so, if he comes on TV now, I change channels.
I despise right-wing politicians, such as trump, and if he comes on, or others like him, I have to change channels.