Firstly, you cannot conflate filicide with abortion. Filicide is the deliberate act of a parent killing their own child and here we are talking about a child who is a separate being to the mother. It's all very well to say, "Oh, but you can hear a foetal heartbeat at eight weeks," but that foetus is not viable outside the mother's body.
The ONLY TIMES, and I mean the ONLY TIMES, when a man should have any say over it is in surrogacy cases.
When you say that if a man is, " that's great but only up to the point that he doesn't want his partner to abort a child," it becomes quite nuanced. There are just as many men who, when they hear that their partner is pregnant, rather than running for the hills are delighted at impending fatherhood, but does that mean that he has the right to stop his partner from having an abortion. Well, in my view, no. And here's why. A man's involvement in conception of a child is limited to ejaculating and fertilizing the egg. He doesn't carry the baby in gestation.
You then ask the question if a woman can opt out of motherhood, should men be allowed to opt out of fatherhood. Well, I remember, I went on one coffee date with a woman who had a child and the child's father stepped out of her life when he learnt that she was pregnant. And that's their business and it's not really any of ours.
In the other example that you gave, it's a medical abortion versus a surgical abortion. Is it murder? No.
Before he died, my grandfather said to my father that he didn't want to be kept alive by a life support machine. And let's say a person is declared brain dead and you switch off their life support. Is that murder? No.
But let's not forget this, either. Some pro-lifers are not consistently pro-life. They are anti-abortion, anti-euthanasia but pro-capital punishment! And let's not forget, some extreme elements have firebombed abortion clinics.
If you want to see other extremism, Ohio passed a ridiculous law that a doctor must re-implant an ectopic pregnancy or face 140 years in prison. So, what these preposterous lawmakers have done is say that you must re-implant a dead embryo. It's the same as having a person on life support and switching it off and letting them lie there dead, and then people say, "Oh, but so and so hasn't moved," "That's right. They're dead."
What I think people need to remember also, is this, two people can agree to have sex, and yes, there's the RISK of pregnancy, but just because two people agree to have sex doesn't mean to say that they signed on for parenthood.
I take the view that men should not be making decisions about women's reproductive rights, full stop. And that's not being a misandrist, it's acknowledging that women have rights.