Benefit fraud, as I see it, well, in my native Australia, anyway, is where a person earns or receives money from other sources but does not declare it to Social Security or if a person says that they are single but is living with a partner, and is thus obtaining more money than they're eligible for. The greatest idiot to enter Kirribilli, and who embarrassed the country for 726 days, declared that his Social Services Minister was, quote, "A tough welfare cop on the beat." No, the Social Services Minister's role is to ensure that there is enough money for welfare. As Robodebt revealed, technology isn't always right, so, say a person on Social Security has a part-time job and earns $200 one fortnight, but the next earns $300, they have to report that income and their pay is adjusted accordingly. In this case, the computer used an algorithm and declared that they had debts that they didn't! It drove some to suicide!
Yes, I agree with you that governments have to stop demonizing welfare recipients but the reason they do it is there's votes in it and the CEOs of companies on corporate welfare are generous donors to conservative parties, like the Liberal Party of Australia, the UK Tories and the US Republicans.