I remember seeing a sign, in 1990, that said, “God made Adam before he made Eve, but you always make a rough draft before you make a final one.” While I knew it was just some sexual banter, it got me thinking of something.
In 2012, a Sydney radio shock jock told a gathering of the Sydney University Liberal Club that the then Prime Minister, Julia Gillard’s, father died of shame. He later stated that women were destroying the joint. That Sydney shock jock is as right-wing as they come and was allied with the Liberal leader who would go on to embarrass Australia on a daily basis for 726 days until he lost the leadership of both the party and the country to Malcolm Turnbull.
One person claimed that men were superior because they were made first and that Adam was made from dust and Eve from one of Adam’s ribs and that women should remember that. To which I say, “Baloney.” I remember a kid I went to school with, who was very religious, who claimed that male’s had one less rib than females.
I am a feminist, and, having seen a sickening tweet whereby a person claimed, in hate, that nobody wants a feminist in a disaster, they want a man. To which I say, “People want someone trained in disaster recovery management, they don’t care what sex they are!”
Even if Adam was made first, and even if Eve did tempt him with the apples from the Tree Of Knowledge, that is no reason or excuse to subjugate women. What we need to remember is that women weren’t created with the sole purpose of bearing children, that is a societal gender construct, but without females, we would not have life on Earth.
What people need to remember is, we all have something that reminds us that we were born of woman. Prudish standards declared that it was where God poked the baby to say they were ready. Cher was the first to show hers on TV, and Madonna made hers a trademark. Britney Spears, Shania Twain and a few others did, too. That’s right. A belly button. A belly button reminds us that we were all born of woman not that women were created from men.