As well as being autistic, I have a rare neurological condition, and I remember one day, one of the nurses, who could be unkind, at the Day Infusion Centre, asking why they didn't use some of the same medications for MS on people with my condition, one of which acts like stem cells and I said, "Not for me." There is another patient of the Centre who is wheelchair-bound, and because of her religious beliefs, does not want blood products or other things. Where I would have expected the nurse to say, "That's your right, and I respect that," she asked me why not. Another nurse said that a doctor I particularly dislike who is disgustingly rude loves a particular medication. I am not the only person to find this doctor disgusting.
To me, gender critical people need to take this view: "If it doesn't concern or effect you, leave it alone."
I am looking forward to firstly having a testosterone blocker and then oestrogen. I know that not all women will welcome you with open arms, but I know some will. For me, I have had enough of societal expectations that I'll like football (I hate it) and other things that are typically male.