As someone on my own trans journey, I say, no, it wasn't about safety for women; it was about oppressing the trans community. One thing that I would like to see people get through their heads, but is none so blind as those who will not see, is that transwomen, in the vast majority of cases, are not a threat to women and nor do they wish to enter women's spaces as men! We want to be accepted as women.
As somebody who has been traumatized by males, I know that there are some good men, but I also say that it's more nuanced than saying that women need to be exposed to men who will role-model that men can be safe. I'll take this example. Two men who had been prisoners of war of the Japanese. One was later a Lord Mayor of Brisbane, the other, was a doctor before he joined the Army. The former Lord Mayor of Brisbane, Frank Sleeman, refused to meet Japanese delegates, sending others in his place. The doctor would have been within his rights to have hated the Japanese, but he didn't. In fact, he found two Japanese army doctors with whom he could work, and they became lifelong friends. He was open to that. People have to do it because they want to, not because they're forced to.