As a transwoman, I am looking forward to being able to finally begin my medical transition. One of things I am looking forward to, or hoping to encounter, is no longer feeling like the odd one out. I feel a subtle pressure from my mother to be more like a male, but I think, if I can transition, even if I have a deeper voice, I will be able to live as my more authentic self. Yes, I'm not going to be interested in who is dating who in Hollywood, but I'll be able to talk as another woman.
One thing that I say with transitioning is that, to me, it's like emigrating. How? Well, in my native Australia, despite right-wingers, we are a multicultural society. So, say you fought for the South during the Vietnam War and you fled Vietnam, when the ceasefire was broken, you might be happy to be accepted by Australia as a refugee, but, you still want to eat Vietnamese food and be part of the Vietnamese community. When you transition, you don't have to surrender all of who you were beforehand. I'll still have some of the same interests and tastes.