Another load of nonsense I heard from this ridiculous doctor who claims that men and women can never be platonic friends was a belief from when he was younger and has been repeated by some that you needed a family to be happy.
This same doctor claimed that a man wasn't a man until he could meet certain desires of a woman, and seemed to be focusing upon a belief that every woman wants to be a wife and mother.
What I would say to this ridiculous doctor is, "When are you, and when is society going to realize that not every woman wants to be a mother and not every man wants to be a father? And it's not the case that every woman will be complaining that she's performing menial tasks and doing housework while her husband or partner sits around watching television or playing video games?!" There are women in this world who don't want to get married, or if they do want to get married, want to pursue a career instead of having children.
It is no more selfish to decide that you don't want kids than to decide that you do. I have a niece and nephew that I love, BUT, I can only spend about half an hour to an hour with them, before I need to take a step back and recharge.
The thing that people need to remember is, parenthood is NOT necessarily the best thing for an introvert. You might have to put up with mother's groups and screaming kids and you need to supervise your kids all the time.