An interesting and witty twist I saw on Adam and Eve was that you always make a rough draft before you make the final copy.
I remember a ridiculous doctor who can really only be described as a faux feminist, contradicted himself by saying that the US may have had the possibility of a female president, in 2016, but that the gender roles should be preserved. To the latter, I say bullshit.
Let us not forget that the USA was in a Civil War (yes, if you watch Paper Lace's videoclip with them dressed as Northern soldiers in "Billy, Don't Be a Hero," that his fiance was distressed about him going to war and was killed) and during the Second World War, the women kept the home fires burning while the men were away.
I remember, at school, I tended to do better in the female oriented subjects (I did Japanese, and there were only three males in my class, all the rest were females, and there were a few in the other class) and struggled with subjects that involved my hands. I was derided by the other boys and was told that I "threw like a girl," or whatever other insults they could manage.
Women don't need to be protected by men and nor are they lesser without men. And the gender roles need to be abolished.