Also, my brother used to know a guy who worked in a video shop who was disgustingly racist and he used to leave quite rude, offensive and racist comments about customers on the shop computer, like he said that a female customer was the "B**** of the day." And that a customer was a "stupid boat person." I remember, after this guy had been made redundant (or so he said) from the video shop (the shop was sold and the new owners wanted things done differently) I went to the shop to get a video (this was in 2000) and I said to the manager that most of the staff were good but there was one I didn't like. She asked me who and when I told her, she grimaced. Another time, I was talking to her son-in-law, and I said I was glad to see the back of the other guy, and he replied, "In the end, so were we. He wouldn't fit in to what we wanted." And then I told him about the offensive comments and he told me that his wife had removed most of them. His mother-in-law was too generous in calling the guy a "smart Alec".