Actually, it's quite a strong comparison, and here's why. Hitler was rambling about troops he didn't have and when he finally realised this, he wanted everything destroyed. Trump was rambling about voter fraud that didn't exist, and machines that weren't faulty, and for one reason. He was determined to do whatever he could to remain in the White House. Hitler killed himself rather be taken prisoner probably because he knew that if he was taken prisoner by the Russians, if he was allowed to live, he'd have been sent to a gulag. He most likely knew that if he surrendered to the Americans or the British, he'd have faced the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal and would have probably had an appointment with Staff Sergeant John C. Woods, on October 16, 1946 (not that he'd have known that date at the time) where he'd have been hanged as a Class A War Criminal. Trump didn't want to stay on as President because he wanted to keep doing his work, he wanted to be president for other reasons. And Trump was not acquitted in his second impeachment, because he was innocent he was acquitted because not enough Republicans could be convinced to vote guilty!