A remember a group of Young Liberals (as in the party of the current Australian PM) protested at Story Time saying that drag queens were not for kids. When my brother and I were little, we used to watch a show with a Drag Queen in it, and we thought he was funny.
If I had a child, would I trust them with a transgender? I don't see why not! What the conservatives fail to understand, or understand but won't acknowledge, is that 99.999999% of transgender people and 99.9999999% of LGB people do NOT want to tell cisgender kids that they can change their gender and this is how they do it. They do NOT want cisgender heterosexual adults to join them for naked romps or come to Gay and Lesbian Bars! What that 99.99999% of LGBTIQA people want is for people to accept them. Where people go wrong is this, if a person from a minority group does something wrong, the fact that they are from that group is pushed by the media and highlighted by the critics!
If I had kids, would I trust them with a doctor? A female doctor, yes, and my rheumatologist, yes, but with a male doctor, not automatically.
I remember I was talking to a woman when I was at the Day Infusion Center one day, and her uncle went over to Japan to help reconstruct the railways after the bombing of Hiroshima, and he always said, "There are good Japanese, and bad Japanese. There are kind Japanese, and cruel Japanese." And the same applies to LGBTIQA people. The vast majority of them are good people and are no threat. I remember, when I was in Year Twelve, going home from school and saying to my mother, "I learnt something today, and that is that men who have sex with small children are not homosexuals, they are pedophiles." My mother said, "I know." So, I said to her, "Why did you say that a teacher I had was gay, when he used to pick up underaged boys by the ears, or pick them up and hold them close? We were underaged boys, not consenting adults."