A lot of conservatives, not all, don't understand the difference between equality and equity. If we think of the fable The Hare And The Tortoise, slow and steady can win a race. So, say someone with a Nissan Micra says to someone with a Ford Mustang, "I'll give you a race," and the Ford Mustang owner laughs so hard they're doubled over, but someone says, "Okay, but we'll give the Micra a five kilometre head start." The Micra starts of and the Mustang driver is sitting there waiting for the signal. They drive off, and the Mustang passes the Micra. The Mustang driver stops and has a burger, chips and thick shake and a snooze and then the Micra passes the Mustang and the driver thinks, "Oh, Geez!" and floors the Mustang, but the Micra wins. That's equity! It gives the Micra driver a fair chance.
A classic idiot in Australia, is Pauline Hanson, who conflates the fact that you can't hold certain people in detention as long as you can white people and claims that it's reverse racism. It's not. Okay, sometimes people will say, "Oh, but Person A got a good behavior bond and Person B got a prison sentence." On the face of it, it seems unfair, but Person A might have had a good record and Person B might have appeared before the judge five times and been warned.